2022 Reflexology Practitioner Retreat

I’ve always just wanted a weekend with my tribe…

I feel so much more energized when I spend time with fellow reflexologists. I have been wanting to set up a weekend retreat for just us and I’ve finally convinced my friend and fellow reflexologist Amy Morrison to come with me to the North GA Mountains at the Elohee Retreat Center. I hope that you will join us too.

Created by reflexologists, for reflexologists

For this retreat, we will focus on optimizing well-being; for ourselves, our practice and our clients.

Amy and I are working on bringing together two days of learning and lots of time to relax, reflect, and OF COURSE to share reflexology! We would never leave out time for a trade between friends. We are even putting together a few extra treats and surprises!

Retreat schedule will be released early in the new year.

Combine all this with 3 delicious and nutritious meals a day, daily meditation, the absolute beautiful grounds of the Elohee retreat center and you can see why two days might just not be enough!

When and Where

Friday, September 30th (check in at 4:00pm) through Sunday, October 2nd (late afternoon).

We have reserved the Forest Studio which will accommodate us to trade reflexology sessions, as well as, sit together comfortably as we conduct group learning and discussions.


The price for the retreat is $150/person plus the cost of room. The cost of the room includes 3 meals a day, all catered by Elohee. Room descriptions can be found below and here. The retreat fee will be paid directly to me, while the room registration will handled directly with Elohee. They will also be able to assist you with any dietary requirements that you may have.

If you will join us, please register soon. We are limiting the number of attendees. The rooms are filling up at the Elohee center and we want to make sure that you get the room of your choice.

Email me below to RSVP for the retreat and set up payment. After that, please click the bottom button to reserve your room at the Elohee center.

Amy and I so excited to work on this very special weekend and can’t wait to spend it with you in the fall of 2022!

~Rayann xoxoxoxoxoxo